WAMP – PHP5.3.13 and Apache 2.2 – CURL Issue

I recently installed WAMP on Windows 2008 server; PHP 5.3.13 and Apache 2.2. While trying to use Facebook API, I came across issue with CURL extension of PHP as Facebook API needs this extension. I enabled this extension in PHP but Apache kept throwing an error that it couldn’t load dynamic library:

PHP Startup: unable to load dynamic library ‘c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.3/ext/php_curl.dll’-the application has failed to start because its side-bysiede configuration is incorrect

I found many references of it all over and the solution was to replace wamp/bin/php/phpVERSION/ext/php_curl.dll with correct version. For some reason, php_curl.dll that comes with WAMP doesn’t work properly.

I tried many files but in the end one worked for me. Unfortunately, its trial and error and trying different php_curl.dll files and see if those work. The one that worked for me can be downloaded from https://www.filesanywhere.com/fs/v.aspx?v=8a726a8a596273b7a6af (Try at your own risk).

Just wished to share this with everyone in case it helps even a single person.

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