Its that time again; for nwe post with findings of the week of course. So, I was searching for some modules that could help me with my development and came across few. I believe, if used properly, these can be very helpful modules.
Of course, some of you might not agree so please feel free to share your ideas. I am always eager to learn more and will keep learning through out my career; at least that is what I am supposed to say to portrait me as a humble person.
Well, let’s dive into some of the modules that I think would’ve greatly helped me had I known about these before. So, I decided to post these here in case it helps someone else.
Disclaimer: I just found out about these modules and wanted to share these before I forgot. So, I haven’t actually used these but thinkthat these will be helpful.
Features: I came across a a podcast which helped me understand how this can be very useful. That podcast not only went through steps on how to use this module but also mentioned other 2 modules that, after reading about those, I found useful (and are listed below). I’d also like to share that podcast as a thank for taking time and help us Drupal developers;
Context: Now this is something that I have used a lot; programatically. It would’ve saved a lot of time had I known about this before. But, as they say, better late than never.
Demo: Ever thought that you’d like to revert your site database back to previous state after doing a bit of testing? I have; so imagine my surprise that there is a module for that and I don’t have to do this manually.
Security Review: How often have you thought to see if you can check whether your site is secure or not? I ofte have. So, this module can walk through several known scenarios and generate a report whether there are any security issues with your current installation or not. A nice find that I got from
Email Registration: Recently, I had to use e-mail address as username. I was thinking of ways I had to get this done; change registration and login form, implement hooks to use e-mail as username and more. But, I found this Email Registration form that does that for you. Following article helped me compare it with Logintoboggan module and made it easier to understand the differences; Using Email as Username. This is the only module that I have already used and it works well.
Well, those are new modules that I learned last week. Hope it can help someone. If not then I’ll continue to look for ideas that can help others because that’s what PHP and Drupal are; Open Source and share with & help others.